Evidentally, it was barefoot in the garden kind of weather this weekend
(though I reckon gardens are always better in muddy feet, don't you?)...
Things are progressing in a lovely manner and we are celebrating little gifts of new flowers, baby tomatoes, baby cucumbers, etc. every day. We found little baby corn starting to peek its head out today and some small wonderous eyes simply can't believe it.... "Will the corn ACTUALLY get TALLER than YOU, mummy?!"
My lovely friend, Sophie, gave me this wonderful bag. I would often look at it sitting lonely in the closet, and think, "I really should use this more". Here and there around town just wasn't cutting it for me.
There it was recently , when I needed to collect some lettuce, and well, you can see the results.
This lovely little bag has become our treasured garden treats basket. It is filled daily with lettuce, mint, rocket, kale, spinach, basil - so lush, I feel like a queen having so much to eat every day from the garden!
The other wonderful treat is that in using this bag every day I get to think of my lovely friend whom I don't see often enough, but hold in my heart.
These are simple sweet things that bring me such joy.
Wishing you equal joy on this lovely day xx
Oh my goodness, look at all that GREEN! It's so brown here in the Northeast that the green of the grass is almost blinding! I'll be checking out your gardening posts when we are in the depths of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, that's for sure!
Posted by: Tonya | 11/15/2011 at 01:06 AM