With four constantly growing little ones (I'm sure they grow overnight sometimes), there is a steady flow of clothes going to the op shop. I've had moments... sometimes even collected little piles of really special pieces that I promise myself I'll make a quilt out of...
I usually find these pieces months later all mouldy in a box or bag somewhere (it's very humid and mouldy where we leave, hence the lush green of everything, including the clothes, shoes, etc, on occasion).Yucko!
Yummo! I was inspired by Pip at meet me at mikes (look in "Learn to Make Stuff"). She had crocheted a sweet little rug. I thought, "YES! I can do that!"
Then, things got even BETTER because she included a link to knitting on trains which included a link to MAKING YARN FROM OLD CLOTHES (WOWEE!!!) ! So, I was an uber blogger linker extraordinaire which led me to this...
So, a quick recount...
*inspired - Pip at meet me at mikes (remember to look in "Learn to make stuff")
*further inspired - Jess at knitting on trains
*recycled kid's clothes into yarn - craft passion
*crocheted rug in an amigurumi spiral round -
magic loop for spiral - wire my soul on youtube
beginning amigurumi spiral - wire my soul amigurumi spiral on youtube
I used a big wooden crochet hook ( I think I bought it about 5 years ago and never used til now) and an old scrap of the children's knitting as a marker (purple bit in corner) for my rows. Perks to being a bit of a hoarder...
Here I am ("Smile, mum!") crocheting while we all watch Junior Masterchef...
Here I am, concentrating. Even though it's really easy, I'm a beginner and I have to remember to COUNT while I stitch (and after 4 babies I lose track really easy - concentrate! focus!).
Success! And, I've heard the kids explaining the HISTORY of this little rug...
"That's my old singlet.That's my old nightgown. Those are our old yellow t-shirts. Those are the yellow t-shirts that mum washed with the dark blue clothes...."
Now, I just have to let people step on it....
Go on... have a go...