Went to the weekend markets this past Saturday for produce (truth, because it was the once a month poultry buy/swap/trade). A friend gave me a "hot tip" that some Wyandottes would be there. I've dreamt of the orange or gold laced kind.
Upon arrival, I found that I was too late and only white or silver laced male pullets were left and you know how I feel about having absolutely positively NO MORE ROOSTERS (I sound so chicken wise right now... don't be fooled, I'm fabulous at false impressions).
IT JUST HAPPENED....(yeah, right)
There he was. In a cage all ready to go..
and he was suddenly in my hands...
and then suddenly in my car!
and I was having all these crazy visions of cute little baby wyandottes (when his accompanying lady friend is big enough to mate with, that is) and there I was... THE LADY WHO OWNED TWO ROOSTERS!?!
Even my own children said, "MUM!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"
"sorry?..." was my lone, meek reply.
For now, one rooster lives in one corner of our five acres and the other in the other corner...
I'll keep you posted..
(but he is quite gorgeous, don't you think?)