As you know, we love our chooks.
We love watching them free-range about the place, living a lovely chicken life.
The only problem is that they get to free-range. Meaning, free-range - including the spaces and places which I do not want them to be in.
We fenced the garden - solved that problem.
But, the herb garden (planted close to the kitchen in the permaculture way) has been, let's say... a challenge.
My clever neighbour, shared that she had the same problem with her chooks and the herbs.
She, put down chicken wire and, as she said, "they got the message"... scratching fixed...
You're supposed to lay it BEFORE you plant out your garden...
But, I was able to complete the task with a trusty pair of wire clippers.
I used some old wire from the no longer in use rabbit area and laid it over the garden. I then, snipped and folded back the wire that was in the way of the herbs.... voila!
The plants seem happier already and the chickens can continue free-ranging (just not in the herbs).
I thought this was such a great idea that I had to share.
Do you have any easy solutions for chicken challenges at your place?
We had a similar problem....
I just took garden fencing and wrapped it around the outside of bed. I didn't put anything on top, as you did, because it was high enough to deter them. You could do a combo of what you have done PLUS simple garden fencing on the outside if you need more deterrent. : )
Posted by: Cory | 10/26/2011 at 04:33 AM
Thanks Cory, great idea... thank goodness for fencing! Wishing you a wonderful day in chookville and many eggs...
Posted by: playinginmudpuddles | 10/26/2011 at 02:47 PM