Life with 1 fine rooster, Felix (he's the black and white one standing proudly on the right), and his many lady friends.
I continue to rejoice in the sleep I am getting through the night now that we are back to a much more civilized 1 (one, yes one!!!) rooster.
A funny story ... the re-homed roosters had to temporarily stay in their box for a day in town, awaiting my lovely friend, Sue, to finish work and take them to their new home (thank you Hilton).
While Sue was working, she looked out the window and suddenly saw (yes), A ROOSTER, walking down the busy road. She quickly ran out to check her truck, and saw an open box, the 3 other roosters running around the parking lot, and two teenage boys with guilty smiles watching the spectacle.
Sue is not only lovely, she is also quite clever and smart. She said to the boys, "Quick! Come and help me get these roosters!" They stalled. She then offered them a pie (bribery is always so effective) for their efforts and in no time somehow managed to round up 4 roosters!
Those roosters are very lucky, don't you think?
And so am I....