My little boy and I were sitting in the driveway the other morning. We had just been weeding the horse paddock together. We sat in stillness, resting and gazing upon imminent Spring. Watching the beauty which surrounds us, suddenly, he burst... "I HEAR HIM!"
In spite of his tiredness, he jumped up and RAN the length of the remaining driveway, climbing up and opening the gate with vigour. Dad was home.
Opening the gate created a distance between them.
Dad stopped the car and jumped out, while little boy jumped off of the gate. They ran to each other and embraced. A joyous reunion after being apart for two days - nearly a lifetime in a little boy's life.
Watching from afar, I noticed this ... the excitement felt was so strong and pure, it was as if his heart leapt out in front of him - full of pure and whole delight. He ran, as if chasing his heart. Running with confidence, knowing nothing was lost - all was safe. When they - father and son - embraced in that excitement, both of their hearts wrapped together - and then, in that circle of each other's arms, a little bit of both of their hearts were put into both of their bodies. Their pure joy intertwined and grew - deepening their unsaid understanding of themselves and each other.